

Smallwood by Robert Bateman

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Smallwood – 24″ x 36″, Renaissance Giclee Canvas, 225 S/N and 50 AP, $995 US Retail

“Those who have had a dog who hikes with you will know the special relationship I had with my dog,
Smallwood. There are dogs of all shapes and sizes and purposes. Most of them enjoy a hike or a
stroll with their master more than anything else in the world. But not all masters choose to do this
as a regular practice. Maybe they do not enjoy it themselves. In my case, I have always enjoyed
hiking almost as much as my dogs. This has been true since boyhood.

Smallwood was mostly Labrador retriever, but his grandmother was a Newfoundland, so
I named him after the premier of Newfoundland who brought that province into confederation
with Canada . . . Joey Smallwood.

My Smallwood had the wide head of his grandmother and weighed over 100 pounds, so many
people thought he should be called “Bigwood”. He died after twelve rewarding years. We had
many wonderful times together exploring the world of nature. Sometimes we showed things
to each other, but mostly we ambled together, but on separate wave lengths, mainly sharing
enthusiasm, exercise and the joy of being alive. I have always felt it is much more fun
to share these things.

This painting was done several years ago when Smallwood was in his prime. It is in rolling farm
and forest country which was cleared by the pioneers and has remained virtually unchanged
since then. The cedar rail fence was put in place to divide a portion of the pasture for some long
forgotten reason. I cherish these relics of our forefathers. Nature is, of course, evolving. You can
see the young sumac, a pioneer tree, which is encroaching on the pasture. This will prepare the
way for the forest trees which will take over in the next generation. Another habitat will be
produced for future companions to explore.”
Robert Bateman


Robert Bateman has been called the most famous living artist. He continues to paint and tour the world to promote conservation and preservation of nature. We have represented Robert Bateman for decades and are now the sole publisher and distributor of his reproductions. We are so honored to work with him and witness his success. He has made such a massive contribution to the art world and the natural world as an artist and educator of the earth’s most important resources.

Nature as a subject is becoming more and more popular as our environment is in peril. What better subject is there than the beautiful creatures we share this world with? Robert Bateman’s appreciation and understanding of nature are apparent in his paintings. He is able to paint flora and fauna the way your eye would perceive it in real life. It is important that the animal takes full attention. The background becomes muted, and therefore it doesn’t take too much focus away from the subject. His paintings seem effortless and masterful all at once.

Bateman’s eye for composition is unparalleled. Each painting is a composed like a symphony, leading the eye to wander. From the backyards of North America to the sprawling plains of Africa. Robert Bateman captures nature the way it should be enjoyed. Above all he is a champion of wildlife. For this reason he has become a household name for art collectors.

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24" x 36" Renaissance Giclee Canvas S/N, 24" x 36" Renaissance Giclee Canvas A/P