American Goldfinch in Winter Dress – 7 1/2″ x 6 1/4″ – 950 Edition Signed and Numbered Paper Prints
“This painting is a study of two goldfinches in a pine tree, however neither is as you might expect. The pine has turned from green to orange rust. This happens naturally as coniferous trees shed their needles. It can also happen if the tree is stressed. It drops its needles to prevent water evaporation. Too much stress and the tree dies.
The goldfinches also are in an unexpected form. They are in their winter plumage. One doesn’t usually remember that this dull plumage is just as much a goldfinch as the bright yellow and black of summer. In some ways, I prefer the winter feathers. The clean white and yellow against the soft gray are colors that I find soothing and subtle.
Although this is a little picture, in a way it touches something very important in my work. The great thing about nature is its variety. It changes not only from place to place, but with every passing moment. Imagine describing every single change that took place in one square yard of a meadow in one year…every change of light and shade and color, all the physics and chemistry and biology. Dynamic is the word to describe it! The works of man are static by comparison. This is why I try to avoid
the stereotype in nature and why I wanted to do the winter goldfinch in an orange pine.” – Robert Bateman
American Goldfinch in Winter Dress is available
Robert Bateman has been called the most famous living artist. He continues to paint and tour the world to promote conservation and preservation of nature. We have represented Robert Bateman for decades and are now the sole publisher and distributor of his reproductions. We are so honored to work with him and witness his success. He has made such a massive contribution to the art world and the natural world as an artist and educator of the earth’s most important resources.
Nature as a subject is becoming more and more popular as our environment is in peril. What better subject is there than the beautiful creatures we share this world with? Robert Bateman’s appreciation and understanding of nature are apparent in his paintings. He is able to paint flora and fauna the way your eye would perceive it in real life. It is important that the animal takes full attention. The background becomes muted, and therefore it doesn’t take too much focus away from the subject. His paintings seem effortless and masterful all at once.
Bateman’s eye for composition is unparalleled. Each painting is a composed like a symphony, leading the eye to wander. From the backyards of North America to the sprawling plains of Africa. Robert Bateman captures nature the way it should be enjoyed. Above all he is a champion of wildlife. For this reason he has become a household name for art collectors.