Brotherly Love – Wolf Pups


Brotherly Love – Wolf Pups by Carl Brenders


(10″ x14″ – Canvas 180 sn – Call for price)

“A scene like this will remind every dog lover of their much loved puppies at home. When a dog has a litter of puppies it is always a time for celebration; at least it is for mother wolf. A litter of wolf pups is hope for the future. How many will survive, which one will become alpha wolf? Before growing up, they are cute little creatures, just like house dogs. Wolves that grow up in captivity have offspring they easily accept that you play with their pups, because they will see you as a member of the pack. Can one imagine better field work for a wildlife artist?
Then immediately I see the painting in my head. Sketches are made and many photographs of all the details, close ups of the nose, eye, ears, fur etc. are done. Wild animals won’t sit still and pose for you for weeks, so one way to freeze them is with the camera and take them home. Sketches are useful to study the character of the animal one wants to paint.
Little by little the painting then grows for you (and myself) to enjoy.”

Carl Brenders

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Unavailable – 9" x 12 1/2" – paper 950 s/n, 10" x14" – Canvas 180 sn